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Analysis and study of the Memory laws passed in the different territories of Spain, as well as inthe other countries part of the European Union. The aim is to address this field of work because of its legal aspects, but also due to the social and political effects that have led to the development of “remembrance laws”.
Doctor in contemporary history and American studies by the Autonomous University of Madrid and the Università degli Studi di Roma Tre, her main area of reaserch is the expressions of the memory (s) in urban spaces and places. She is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of History of the Catholic University of Chile and develops a comparative work on urban heritage and memory in Chile and Spain.
Fitili, Magda «Las políticas de reparación como despolitización de la memoria: análisis de la Ley 1863/1989. A propósito de la anulación de las repercusiones de la Guerra Civil y de la Ley 52/2007 de la Memoria Histórica»
Sütçüoğlu, Bilgen and Ebru İlter Akarçay «Boding Well for the Next Ten Years?: Learning from the Experiences of Victims’ Associations in Spain»
Calandre, Cristina «La ley de la memória histórica no cumple con el Dr. Luis Calandre Ibáñez»
Gabarda, Vicent i Ricard Camil Torres «Los efectos nocivos de la aplicación de la ley de memoria histórica en el país valenciano»
Ménendez, Francesc Xavier «El marc legislatiu de memòria democràtica a Catalunya. Balanç i valoració»
Ban, Marina «Building the Illiberal State Using the Memory of Communism: the Case of Hungary»
Rocchi, Luciana «La longue durée d’une expérience italienne, liée aux politiques de la mémoire de l’Espagne»
The stories about the past are transmitted through different channels, including literature, educational programs, audiovisual productions and technologies of information and communication. This section will deepen on the real impact of these ways of transmission and dissemination, analyzing their goals as well as the strategies behind them.
Master’s Degree in History by the University of Groningen (NL), Master in Hispanic Literature from the University of Amsterdam (NL), and doctor (cum laude) by the University of Maastricht (NL). She has been Marie Curie Fellow at the Institute of Language, Literature and Anthropology of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (ILLA-CSIC, Madrid, ES) and is currently a postdoctoral researcher in the UNREST project: Unsettling Remembering and Social Cohesion in Transnational Europe in the same institute. She is also a researcher at the Subtierro project led by Francisco Ferrándiz (CCHS-CSIC).
Olaziregi, Mari Jose «A vueltas con la madre patria»
Retegi, Olatz y Vaquero, Maribel «Mapa de las Acciones de la Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa sobre Memoria Histórica en el Territorio»
Arroita, Izaro y Mikel Ayerbe «La transmisión de una memoria crítica en la obra de Ramon Saizarbitoria»
Pérez, Pío y Gurutze Lasa «La literatura como memoria y convivencia en las aulas de secundaria»
Barra, Jordi «Cartografía histórica 2007-2017. (El atlas como indicador memorialístico)»
Camí-Vela, Maria «Summoning the ghosts: Images, sites and politics of memory in Catalan documentary The Great Flight (2015) by Carolina Astudillo»
Prudor, Anélie «Complexe mémoriel et Maison des mémoires. Enjeux des mises en scène différenciées des mémoires de l’exil républicain espagnol en France»
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